The scripted card game teaches core skills of outbreak investigations. The interactive teaching activity is designed for groups of 16 or 26 people. It covers epidemic curves, 2x2 tables, relative risks and attack rates. Stratification and confounding can be included in the exercise for 26 people. An article has been published in CDC’s Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal.
Players draw one card that describes the food they ate and if ill, their signs and symptoms with time of first onset.That information is collected subsequently during the interactive teaching activity (script included) as the outbreak unfolds and more complicated topics are covered. You need an instructor with outbreak investigation background.
- English cards in pptx with instructions in docx (zip file).
- You can download the source files here. The Robert Koch Institute adapted the script into an English, Russian and French facilitator version which we are grateful to also include in the source files (zip file).
- Original teaching instructions in German (also contained in source files).
- Original teaching instructions in English (also contained in source files).

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